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“Bhoot Chaturdashi: Unveiling the Mystical Tradition That Precedes Kali Puja in Bengal”

In the vibrant tapestry of Bengali culture, Kali Puja stands out as one of the most significant and widely celebrated festivals. Amidst the rituals and fervor surrounding the worship of Goddess Kali, there is a unique and intriguing tradition observed on the night before Kali Puja known as Bhoot Chaturdashi. This ritualistic observance holds a special place in the hearts of Bengalis, and its roots delve deep into the rich cultural and mythological fabric of the region.

The Essence of Bhoot Chaturdashi

Bhoot Chaturdashi, also known as Narak Chaturdashi, typically falls on the fourteenth day of the Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon) in the Hindu month of Kartik, which corresponds to the day before Kali Puja. The term ‘Bhoot’ translates to ‘ghost,’ and Chaturdashi signifies the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight.

On this night, Bengalis engage in a unique and age-old tradition of lighting 14 ‘bhoot’ shaped diyas (clay lamps) to ward off evil spirits. The belief is rooted in the ancient Indian mythological narrative of Lord Krishna defeating the demon Narakasura on this day, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. In the Bengali context, the ritual also serves to honor ancestors and seek their blessings for the family.

Why Bhoot Chaturdashi?

The association of Bhoot Chaturdashi with Kali Puja is a fascinating blend of mythology, folklore, and regional traditions. According to popular belief, the lamps lit on this night are not only meant to dispel ghosts and negative energies but also to illuminate the path for the souls of departed ancestors. Bengalis consider it an auspicious gesture to remember and honor their forefathers by offering light to guide them on their spiritual journey.

In addition to its mythological significance, Bhoot Chaturdashi is deeply ingrained in the cultural ethos of Bengal, reflecting the amalgamation of history and belief systems. The practice is also a testament to the deep-seated respect and reverence Bengalis have for their ancestors, a sentiment that resonates strongly during the festive season.

Celebrating Bhoot Chaturdashi

Bengalis prepare for Bhoot Chaturdashi by meticulously cleaning and decorating their homes. The ritual of lighting 14 lamps, each symbolizing a generation of ancestors, takes place after sunset. Families come together to perform this sacred act, often accompanied by prayers seeking the well-being of their departed loved ones.

While the lamps flicker and cast a warm glow, Bengalis also partake in other customs such as drawing ‘alpona’ (traditional floor art) at the entrance of their homes and preparing a variety of sweets and delicacies to share with family and friends. The night unfolds in an atmosphere of devotion, bonding, and a shared sense of connection with the past.


Bhoot Chaturdashi, the lesser-known but equally significant precursor to Kali Puja, adds depth and meaning to the festive celebrations in Bengal. Beyond its mythological roots, this tradition serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of familial bonds, the legacy of ancestors, and the perpetual quest for spiritual enlightenment.

As Bengalis light the 14 lamps on Bhoot Chaturdashi, they not only dispel darkness but also illuminate the threads that connect the present to the past. In this unique blend of mythology and cultural practice, Bhoot Chaturdashi stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Bengal, where tradition, devotion, and the celebration of life converge in a harmonious dance of light and spirituality.



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